6.000 flowers at The Riverside Art Museum, Beijing, China

27,000 flowers at Kenpoku Art Festival, Iberaki, Japan

Over 4.000 flowers at the Musée de la chasse et de la nature, Paris, France

12.500 flowers at Shoshana Wayne Gallery, CA, USA

Verso Arte Contemporanea

20,000 Flowers at Tel Aviv Museum, Israel

Artclub 1563, Seoul, Korea

Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, Perth Festival, Australia
Hand painted stainless steel and sand, site-specific installation, size variable.
Blackfield is a space-specific floor installation, containing up to 27,000 steel etched flowers derived from 19th Century Victorian encyclopaedias and, more recently, botanical illustrations from the archived collection at Kew Gardens, London. The work reflects notions such as perception and perspective, and in its delicate modesty, the installation brings up powerful questions regarding life and death.
“This breathtaking installation… presents a graphically stunning opposition between Edenic and the ashen…”
- Leah Ollman, ‘Critics’ Choices’, Los Angeles Times
“Zadok Ben-David mesmerising at Shoshana Wayne Gallery”
- Laura Gatewood, LA Fine Arts Examiner
“…Blackfield thus blossoms from a two-dimensional still-life drawing into three-dimensional landscape,
fluttering with suggestions of life and death, paradise and cataclysm.”
- Roni Feldman, The Magazine
"The miniature flowers in Ben-David's work are far from Realism, each in its own right and all as an unfeasible ensemble
where plants, based on florea from different climate stand together in a harmony of displaced entities.
They form a field of dream and reflection, a place the viewer may not grasp but cannot escape"
- Smadar Sheffi, Art Critic, al-Haaretz Newspaper, Tel Aviv
Selected Exhibitions:
2021 Shirley Sherwood Gallery, Botanic Gardens at Kew, London, UK
2020 Columbia Circle, Shanghai, China
2019 Riverside Art Museum, Beijing, China
2018 Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris, France
2016 Kenpoku Art Festival, Iberaki, Japan
2014 National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan
2012 Mystetskyi Arsenal National Art and Culture Museum, Kyiv, Ukraine
2011 Artclub 1563, Seoul, South Korea
2009 Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2009 Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
2008 Annandale Galleries, Sydney, Australia
Photo credit - Russel Wong, Avi Hai, Meidad Sochowolsky, Gene Ogami, Rana Begum, Soupdemots.

Zadok Ben David Blackfield Tel Aviv Medium Short Quality version2 2010 SV