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  • Fenner, Guilat, McDonald and Nanjo,  2017, Human Nature, Circa Press

  • De Circasia, 2010, Blackfield Zadok Ben David, Verso, Turin, Italy

  • Hadar, I (ed), 2010, Zadok Ben-David: Human Nature; Peleg, D, The Drawing of the Real, Hadar, I, How to Catch, for Example, a Rabbit, Guilat, Y, Zel Zah On the Humanism of Zadok Ben-David’s Shadow Sculptures,Omer, M, Zadok Ben-David Sculptures in the Collection of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel

  • De Circasia, V (ed.) 2003, Magica Realta, International Service Editore,Turin, Italy


Individual Catalogues:


  • Annandale Galleries, 2008, Zadok Ben-David, Annandale Galleries, Sydney

  • Huangfu, B (ed), 1999, Evolution and Theory, Fenner, F, Zadok Ben-David, Jana, R, Natural Selections: Zadok Ben-David’s “Evolution andTheory” Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts, Singapore

  • Karel, J., 1998, Zadok Ben-David, Musuem Beelden Aanzee, Holland

  • Hamilton, Laura, 1991, Zadok Ben-David, Glasgow, Collins Gallery

  • Collins Gallery, 1990, Zadok Ben-David: Sculpture 1987-90, Glasgow, Collins Gallery

  • The Art Gallery, 1989, Zadok Ben-David, The Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

  • Agassi, Meir, 1988, Zadok Ben David, Motti Mizrachi. The Israeli Pavilion, The Venice Biennale 1988, Venice

  • Edward Totah Gallery, 1987, Zadok Ben-David, London, Edward Totah Gallery


Group Catalogues:


  • Costa, A.V, 2011, 16 Bienal de Cerveira, BC Fundacao Bienal de Cerveira, Cerveira, Portugal

  • Sotheby’s, 2011, Beyond Limits, Sotheby’s, London, UK

  • Takashi, A, 2010, Living in Evolution – 2010 Busan Biennale Catalogue, Busan Biennale O. Committee, Seoul, Korea

  • Artspace Hue, 2010, Double Interview, Artspace Hue, London, UK

  • Sotheby’s, 2010, Beyond Limits, Sotheby’s, London, UK

  • Bottallo, P, 2009 Animals Contemporary Visions, Martini – Martini Arte Internazionale, Cavagnolo, Italy

  • Fischer-Schreiber I, 2009, Biennale Cuvee 2009: World Selection of Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria

  • Dr. Rothfuss, O. & Rebmann, M, 2009, Vivid Fantasy, KISS, Untergroningen, Germany

  • Sotheby’s, 2008, Beyond Limits, Sotheby’s, London, UK

  • Salter, B (ed.) 2008, Singapore Biennale 2008: Wonder, National Arts Council Singapore, Singapore

  • Wilde, E (ed) 2007, Cass Sculpture Foundation, Cass Sculpture Foundation, West Sussex, UK

  • Sotheby’s, 2007, Beyond Limits, Sotheby’s, London, UK

  • Kunstverein KISS e.V. (AdKV), 2007, Das Exponierte Tier: Animalishe Koexistenzen, KISS, Untergroningen, Germany

  • Dr. Rothfuss, O. & Rebmann, M, 2002, Salto Naturale, Kunstverein KISS e.V. (AdKV), Untergroningen, Germany.

  • Eimert, D, 2002, Paper Art 8: Turbulence in Paper, Leopold-Hoesch Museum, Duren, Germany

  • Louw, W & Dullaert G. E, 2001, Carnaval des Animaux: Den Haag Sculptuur 2001, The Hague, Holland

  • Ribettes, J, 2000, Narcisse Blesse, Passage de Retz, Paris

  • Elliot, A, Lynton N & Vaughan L (ed.) 2000, Bronze: Contemporary British Sculpture Park Holland Park, The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Libraries and Arts Service Central Library, London

  • Ribettes, J, 2000, Narcisse Blesse, Passage de Retz, Paris

  • Huangfu, B & Pastor Roces M, 1999, Science Fiction, Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts, Singapore

  • Elliot, A. (ed), 1999, Sculpture at Goodwood: British Contemporary Sculpture, Goodwood, West Sussex, UK

  • Lynton, N. 1998, British Figurative Art: Sculpture Part 2, Momentum, London, UK


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